Our Team
We are often commended for the writing and editing talents of every member of our firm. We are also known for our attention to detail; our photography; our ability to conceive, direct, and produce top-quality materials—from brochures and newsletters to website copy and photos—our media relations; our counsel; and our ability to work within budgets.
It isn't just our clients who are grateful for our skills, our turn-around time, and our adherence to deadlines. Our vendors, the media, and ad reps also value our determination to deliver only the best-quality product on or ahead of time, with the full approval of the client.
We work hard – and smart – to build name recognition, help create an environment for improved public and media perceptions, and develop strategies for immediate and future needs.
One source of pride is our ability to make connections and not just the obvious ones. We've put clients together with unlikely partners to create successful (and often cost-sharing) ventures that have earned us respect for proposing an unlikely, but a possible, way to grow.
On April 1, 2011, we began our 21st year.
What is this? See John's bio for the answer. And, yes, it really does have a connection to what we do! Lois and Sara each offer an impressive set of skills that maintain our firm’s reputation for the quality of service we have always offered our clients.